Cadiz - overall bad news, a foot in the door.

Bolting in Yucca - No bolts please! The climbing community started moving away from them decades ago, but too late to stop irreversible damage.

Trump and the 14th Amendment - Not unhappy with the Colorado Court's ruling but SCOTUS will probably overturn. The Amendment was poorly and hastily written and allows for seversl bad outcomes.. Congress back in those days wanted an instrument to strike at the southern ruling class, but the ends don't justify the means. Colorado must be praying that SCOTUS rules quickly. Trump must be praying that Thomas, channeling Scalias black letter legislative intent doctrine, doesn't vote to uphold Colorado..

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RE: Green Waste Collection in YV - Residents can obtain a free 'Kitchen Pail' to collect kitchen waste in a smaller receptacle before adding it to their Green Bin each week. Call Burrtec's Customer Service Dept at 760-365-2015 (Mon-Fri, 8-5) to request one. Burrtec will arrange a date for curbside drop off of the free 'Kitchen Pail'.

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